
Nankai medical students participated in medical poverty-relief


Supported the LiKa Shing Foundation,about 100 medical students from Nankai University School of Medicine,Peking University Health Science Center and Tsinghua UniversitySchool of Medicine joined the Summer Vacation Medical Aid Program forMedical Students in Xining, Qinghai Province during the 2015 summervacation. Four students from our School joined this activity.

Ledby local doctors from the Ta’er Temple Hospital of TibetanMedicine, students visited some remote villages in Tibetan-inhibitedareas to provide medication, free medical examination and basichealthcare knowledge for local residents. They have also donated somefood and first-aid kits for local impoverished herdsmen. Theseactivities have earned widely acclaim from local inhabitants.

TheSummer Vacation Medical Aid Program for Medical Students is supportedby the LiKa Shing Foundationunder the principle of “Caring and Helping” initiated by itsfounder, Mr. Li Ka Shing. This program aims to relieve poverty andimprove the healthcare environment in poor areas. It has alsointegrated medical ethic education with medical poverty-relief tolead medical students to put more attention on social issues whilestrengthening their social and professional responsibilities.