
Newanti-HIV drug target identified by a Nankai research team


Before the 28thWorld AIDS Day in 2015, Professor Min Wei and his team identified anew human host cell coding protein, the coiled-coil domain containingprotein 8 (CCDC8).Exogenousoverexpression of CCDC8 can strongly inhibit HIV-1 production, up to30 fold. This finding has been published on ScientificReports undertheNature Publishing Group.

CCDC8 is amembrane-associated protein. The interaction between exogenouslyexpressed CCDC8 and Gag on the plasma membrane changes the assemblyof Gag, and redirects it into intracellular sites, or causes Gagendocytosis. CCDC8, along with cytoskeleton protein obscuring-like1(Obsl1) and E3 ligase Cul7, induces Gag polyubiquitination anddegradation. Thus we identify a new host protein and a new pathwayfor HIV-1 Gag polyubiquitination and degradation. This pathwaypresents potential therapeutic strategies against HIV infection.”Said Professor Wei.

CCDC8 hasenormous potential as it is possibly related to HIV, tumor and 3MSyndrome. We will continue the research in CCDC8.”Said ProfessorWei. He also mentioned that their patent application for this findinghad been accepted by the State Intellectual Property Office of theP.R.C.

The Acquired ImmuneDeficiency Syndrome, known as AIDS, is caused by the HumanImmunodeficiency Virus (HIV). HIV can damage the body's immune systemso that people lose the ability to resist various diseases. Accordingto the WHO, there are a total of 36.9 million people infected by HIV.In the last few years, the United Nations has decided to take instantand targeted actions to stop the prevalence of AIDS before 2030.

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