Macromorphology Laboratory

There are over 3000 specimens in the macromorphology laboratory, which covers a total area of 144 m2 for the cadaver pools, operating room and students’ labs. Our students have been divided into two groups (about 30 students in each) to attend anatomy classes as one cadaver is shared by no more than 7 students. Since 2003, we have purchased the sectional specimens, plasticizing specimens (whole body), horizontally sectional plasticizing specimens (whole body)coronal sectional plasticizing specimens (whole body), sagittal sectional plasticizing specimens (whole body), plasticizing specimens of brain, limbs, truncus and visceral organs, neural conductionmodels, and bottled and plasticizing specimens for stomatology. In 2016, we purchased the most advanced 3-D Virtual Autopsy Table. Each year, we provide 32 hours of Human Anatomy 2-1, 64 hours of Human Anatomy 2-2, 16 hours of Human Sectional Anatomy,48 hours of Stomatological Anatomy Physiology Experiment, and 56 open experiments for over 150 students. Human Anatomy 2-1 (in 2004) and Human Anatomy 2-2 (in 2005)were awarded the Demo Course of Nankai University.