
Associate Professor Zhuang Jie from the School of Medicine and Professor Huang Xinglu from the College of Life Sciences Develop Genetically Engineered Protein Corona-based Cascade Nanozymes for Tumor Therapy


The non-invasive photodynamic therapy (PDT) has gained interest among many tumor scientists with its low cost and good efficacy. However, the formation of plasma-derived protein corona and the hypoxic microenvironment of solid tumors severely limit the delivery efficiency and therapeutic efficacy of photosensitizers. Recently, Associate Professor Zhuang Jie from the School of Medicine and Professor Huang Xinglu from the College of Life Sciences of Nankai University reported in the international authoritative journal Advanced Functional Materials (in TOP Q1, IF: 19.924) a genetically engineered protein corona-based cascade nanozyme system. This system enhances the therapeutic efficacy of PDT and provides a new idea for synergistic therapies based on other protein coronas or photosensitizers.
