
School of Medicine Holds 2023 Annual Summary and Commendation Conference on Scientific Research Achievements and Teaching Competition


        In order to deeply implement the guiding principles of the 20th CPC National Congress and further promote the high-quality development of the medical discipline, the School of Medicine held the 2023 Annual Summary and Commendation Conference on Scientific Research Achievements and Teaching Competition on the afternoon of January 12 at the Oriental Art Center of the Balitai Campus. The Conference was attended by Chen Jun, academician of CAS and Vice President of NKU, Zhang Yingze, academician of CAE and Dean of the School of Medicine, NKU, Li Zhong, Executive Vice Director of the Science & Technology Department, NKU, Gao Haiyan, former Director of the School of Medicine, Yang Shuang, Executive Vice Dean, Tan Xiaoyue, Vice Dean, and Cong Peifang, Vice Dean of the School of Medicine, NKU. The Conference was also attended by all faculty members and student representatives of the School of Medicine, as well as faculty representatives of the affiliated hospital. The Conference was chaired by Xu Meng, Deputy Director and Vice Dean of the School of Medicine.

In his speech, Chen Jun recognized the efforts and progress made by the School of Medicine in the past five years. He emphasized that the development of the medical discipline and every progress in teaching, research, and talent cultivation are attributable to the unremitting efforts of all faculty members of the School of Medicine as well as the cooperative hospitals. The School of Medicine should take the opportunity of Tianjin to serve the Healthy China Initiative to deepen the innovation and development of medical education, promote the construction of a collaborative system of clinical medicine, education, and research, and contribute to the construction of a world-class university with Nankai characters and Chinese characteristics.

Yang Shuang delivered a report on the School’s scientific research achievements in which she introduced in detail the outstanding achievements of the School in disciplinary development, high-level research platform construction, and the construction of affiliated hospitals and a series of research institutes. She said that going forward, the School will continue to promote interdisciplinary integration, carry out scientific research on major topics, attract and cultivate high-level scientific research talents and innovative teams, make landmark scientific research achievements, and strive to achieve high-quality and leapfrog development of the medical discipline at NKU.

During the School’s outstanding scientific research achievements award ceremony, Xu Meng introduced the evaluation and winners of various awards, and the attending leaders presented certificates to the award-winning teams and teachers. The food science and public health team won the Outstanding Team Award, Professor Xiang Rong won the Excellent Contribution Award, Professor Yang Zhuo won the Distinguished Contribution Award, Professor Yang Rongcun and Professor Li Zongjin won the Outstanding Contribution Award, Professor Shi Yi and Associate Researcher Liu Jingmin won the Outstanding Youth Award, and Associate Professor Wang Yuebing and Associate Researcher Su Xiaomin won the Best Potential Award.

Zhang Yingze made a conclusion speech in which he expressed gratitude to all faculty members and students of the School for their contributions and efforts. He pointed out that the School of Medicine is deeply rooted in the fertile soil of NKU. It should focus on its specialty and key areas, and leverage its characteristics and strengths in line with the requirements of the times and disciplinary advantages to achieve leapfrog development. It should strengthen the development of the supervisor team, improve the supervisor evaluation system, make greater contributions to the cultivation of high-level outstanding medical talents for the country, and contribute to the development of China’s medical and healthcare industry in the new era.